Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sunday Night Ramblings

Here we are again...another Sunday, another Monday to follow.  I was good and bad this week.  I guess that makes me have had an average week.  Let me see what I can update you all on from my racing mind.

1.  Tomorrow I think I should maintain my weight from last week based on what I ate.  However, I feel super bloated and gross and pudgy (I just love how PMS can wreak havoc on a body).  It's amazing how quickly that time of the month arrives (sorry for the few male readers that I have to digress to some "girl" talk, but water weight gain is a common complaint and doesn't seem fair when dieting!!).  Seriously, I think we only have two good weeks of the damn month.  Alas, that is our lot in life.  Aside from having difficulty losing weight, our amazing ability as females to store fat cells, but the regular monthly occurrence of water retention, we are doomed in the diet department.  I am predicting now that I'm not going to be happy with my number simply based on my gut.

2.  For the first time since I've started my diet I am going to get on a real Dr. scale tomorrow.  I have my yearly physical (currently cut off from food for the rest of the night in preparation for Cholesterol tests and whatnot tomorrow coffee tomorrow morning either...what am I going to do???) so will have to weigh in there.  I'm super curious to see how close the "real" scale is to my two home scales.  I'm not sured I'm super psyched to have the added bonus of a double weigh in tomorrow.  What if the scale tells me I'm a few pounds heavier?  I know, it's not really the number, it's about the loss.  But still, I'm really hoping weigh in number 2 will be favorable!

3.  I had what I guess Oprah would call an "ah ha" moment.  It wasn't life altering or anything, but it was a good moment all the same.  It all began with me wearing my "control" pair of pants...those Lily Pulitzer size 8's that have been hanging around my closet since Christmas.  The one's I try on only to have to put back for fear I might rip the seems with my pancake thighs.  Well, this week it was finally time to take them out, and not just of the closet, but out of the house.  I wore them in public, among my mom friends at a playdate.  My sister commented that I had a "tight ass" (mind you've I've been called a tight ass in terms of personality many a time) which I immediately took to mean they were too tight.  She assured me it was a compliment, and luckily the time out and about gave way to a nice little stretching for the cotton capris!  This was not the "ah ha" moment thought. Later that week my sister and I decided to just get out and went to a nearby town with lots of cute little shops.  We wandered upon a fabulous second hand shop and this adorable strapless blue dress with embroidered red crabs was on the rack.  Yes, Lily Pulitzer again (who else would feature crabs on a dress?)  The only problem...size 6.  Yeah right....back in high school!  I kept wandering by it, and finally under force I was pushed into the dressing room by my sister.  I got it on!  It was snug but not in a sickening way.  We mutually agreed my body sans 5 lbs would be fine in the dress.  It came home with me and I decided it could pass with a shrug to hit some of the arm/chest fat that dribbled over the edges.  OK, still not the "ah ha" moment.  That night I thought, if I can fit into that, perhaps there are some other treasures I can dig up.  Low and behold, I fit into the clothes I wore on my honeymoon.  It was one of the proudest moments I've had of myself in a long time.  I didn't really think that stuff would ever fit.  Now I have a whole new old wardrobe and have been as happy wearing that stuff as if I had just been on a shopping spree!!!  Better in fact.  That alone helps me keep focus.

4.  I'm pretty sure I gave myself an ulcer today, which should aid in my weight loss!  It has been very stormy in the Northeast the past few weeks, not normal for this time of year.  We actually had tornado warnings posted this past Saturday and Sunday.  Well, not really believing the weather ever gets that bad here, the team of genius one and genius two (the dynamic duo that brought you Kayak fun, see entry decided to run errands late afternoon today.  It wasn't all that stormy when we left the house...very muggy, still, and hazy, but no imminent threat of storms or tornadoes.  By the last errand, having the dog's nails clipped (if I did this at home I'd have no fingers left, hence allowing the professionals to take the risk) the sky was black.  It was only 4pm, and it looked like night was approaching.  No wind.  A few drops of rain.  You could see lightening, but not the strikes yet.  My heart was beating so fast as I ran through the parking lot with my toddler, and my sister did the same with my dog.  I have gotten increasingly nervous in my age.  My sister kept telling me to relax.  In retrospect we should have stayed in the open parking lot and waited, but no, we ladies like to live on the edge, especially when traveling in my car!  No sooner did we make it out of the shopping area and to the main road to get back to the house, the skies opened up.  Not rain, but sheets of water.  The wind was so fierce it was incredible.  At this point my sister conceded my nerves were completely justified and she was equally worried.  At this point acid is churning in my stomach and I'm sensing that this could be the end for us (seriously, I was worried and not in a way that was not warranted).  I debated calling MM to say good bye just in case but figured I should keep focused on the road.  What I deemed a "microburst" (this seems to be the weather people's new favorite meteorological term for a sudden burst of downward wind that basically caused tremendous damage) happened before our eyes.  The main road is completely tree lined, not good under these circumstances.  Left and right tree branches are cracking down and cars are jutting all about to avoid the falling branches.  Just then an entire tree crumbled before our literally looked like an invisible food came down and drilled it into the ground.  At this point acid is bubbling up into my throat.  White knuckle driving is an understatement.  Finally we made it to a side street with far less trees and the wind started to subside.  Phew, in the clear.  I think that may be it for my storm chasing days!  Both the dog and child were completely un-phased by the whole event!

5.  I found a fabulous new dessert.  Breyer's (not typically my favorite ice cream by any stretch) has broken into the diet dessert market (I am convinced this is where all the money in dieting is made right now!!).  Next time you are shopping (that is if you are a dessert person) pick up Breyer's Smooth and Dreamy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream Sandwiches.  Three points/sandwich.  Obviously it's not Toll House, but seriously, these are good!!!!  And not miniature sized either.  I just had to share my new find!!

It was the perfect way to finish off a nail biting, bloated waisted Sunday evening.  Too bad I can't eat the entire box.

OK, I'm signing off for the week.  More tomorrow after the double weigh in.  Until then, happy healthy eating!


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