Monday, March 22, 2010

An Introduction

I have been on a perpetual diet since 2005, when I noticed that the pints of ice cream I used to be able to eat in my former years was beginning to stick to various body parts like spackle.  At first if was only 10 lbs or so, which wasn't noticeable enough to put effort into reshaping my body or modifying comfortable old habits.  Then it was 45 lbs post pregnancy which was enough to require a weight loss effort.  I wish I could say I was hardcore, but I slowly got around to "healthier" eating and modest exercise to a point where I looked OK again.  And now I'm stuck, and have been for years, hovering in the 20 lbs to lose range.  Sadly what once was 10 lbs of annoyance not worth noticing has turned into a 20 lbs of irritation I ignore.  However, it's hard to ignore my fat roll that likes to spill over the top of my jeans as I sit down to have a snack in the afternoon.  Perhaps I should try my snacking standing up!!  Damn you fat roll, damn you!!!  Further depressed about my unwanted friend, I finish what is usually a carb heavy sugar snack and promise myself to start over and be better....tomorrow.  

I would like to take a moment to note that I am not obese, as I never want to misrepresent myself here.  I would like to say I'm one of many average women who struggle with enough excess weight to feel not so great about themselves.  Women who have reached a certain frustration level because they simply can't quite reach their goal weight or simply lack that little extra drive to keep them committed.  Women who will try on at least 10 outfits to go out for date night finally picking something with a waistband that has some give in order to make room for more high calorie goodies!!  Women who just want to be able to fit into that one "goal" item collecting dust in the back of the closet that was purchased on a whim years ago for skinnier days.  Those are my weight struggles so to speak!

Last week my sister sparked an idea when she brought home a white board to track our dieting progress everyday.  She lives with us during the week and has been battling her own weight for some time.  Despite continued attempts, some success and some failures since we started actively dieting last August this silly white board seems to be helping.  We both made it one whole week without cheating.  So, I figure if a silly little white board can keep me honest for a whole week, what if I post to the whole world (or what little world wants to read about me) my weight loss to follow.  I can't lie, not even in cyber space.  So, I'm hoping this will keep me motivated and on track, and perhaps I may just tackle that 20, and then some!

Now for the details.  
  •    SUBJECT: 30-something year old mom of toddler
  •    MISSION: To say good-bye to 20-25 annoying lbs that have become a permanent fixture
  •    METHOD: Weight Watchers
  •    EXERCISE PROGRAM: Occasional swimming, chasing after a 3-year old, and walking
  •    HEIGHT: 5 feet 8.5 inches
  •    WEIGHT: 172 (it’s a really crappy old home scale AND I had clothes on, AND it was afternoon…but I won’t shave off any lbs for all that!!  I am hoping to find an actual Dr. Scale at some point)
  •    WEAKNESSES: Ice Cream (Ben & Jerry’s in particular), Sweets/Processed Snack food, Pizza, really I could go on and on…
  •    CHALLENGES: Having a child on a high calorie diet (SERIOUSLY??), a husband from the South who likes big meat & potato meals who is able to turn on the diet switch and drop 20 lbs as easily as I can polish off a pizza (Imagine that SlimQuick Ad...yeah, that's us), and a lack of energy to prepare good food at the end of the day
This blog serves a few different purposes.  First, as noted above, it will hopefully keep me accountable to my diet.  Secondarily, I used to cook a lot more when I had the time, and most people have complimented me on my ability to cook.  I’m not a super fancy gourmet, but I do think I can put together a decent meal.  So I will share some of my recipes (and for those of you doing Weight Watchers I will include the point values I've calculated) here and there for fun.  Lastly, I figure if I am up in the office typing I am not in my kitchen raiding the pantry…although I can hear it calling my name right now!!  

So here's to that last 20 lbs...another attempt which I hope I can finally call a success!!!


Stacey said...

Good timing! I am starting WW myself on Thursday. Let's lose that weigh together! Not sure if you read my blog or not but I'm sure you would laugh at my naivete as the parent of an almost 1 year old. I gave myself a year to lose the weight and gained a few extra. Sigh. I'm not looking forward to going back to major portion/food control.

Kelly said...

You know I love any and all forms of work procrastination so keep the updates coming! I look forward to the funny stories from all of this. Between you and your sister, I can only imagine :) I also look forward to your recipes. I still make a bunch of them from when we lived together. Good luck with your goal and congrats on getting the blog up and running.

DJW said...

Are you going to WW meetings or doing this on-line? Or just counting the points yourself? It would be easier if you were here to make those "salads" for me instead of eating Sam's pancakes this morning; ham and cheese sandwich at lunch and now wine, fish and potatoes...Headed to Primos to get a brownnie before I get really get serious about this...looking forward to your comments and motivational tips

A. said...

I share in the frustration of trying to find time to exercise and cook good, healthy food while raising a family. I hope this motivates you to lots of success! Happy blogging :-).

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