Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Pizza Anyone?

The verdict is in...my old scale wasn't too off at all.  After trekking out in the pouring rain yesterday afternoon, I came home with a new scale.  My sister and I tried to do a little test to see if it was weighing things correctly.  We placed a 3 lb tub of cream cheese on the scale (cream cheese is one of the few things my daughter will eat so it pretty much goes on everything).  We waited, and waited and waited.  But the scale just read 0.  Perhaps the scale only weighs things over a certain weight, although I didn't see anything about that in the directions.  With the failed cream cheese weight test behind us, I hopped on the scale and it was only a pound different.  After all that, I now have my new pretty glass scale next to my beat up old one.  I think I'll step on them both and take the average when I weigh in...how technical!!  But I think its safe to call my weight this week 168!

Now, on to more fun topics....food!  Some nights you just don't feel like doing a big planned out meal.  Some nights Bean Slop (see previous post for Bean Slop recipe) even seems like too big an effort.  Last night I was in the mood for something "bad" but didn't want to cheat.  So I cobbled together a pizza of sorts.  For whatever reason I had been craving fresh mozzarella cheese.  I swear, I could eat ball after ball of that stuff.  It has such a perfect texture and the slight taste of brine.  Per my discussion yesterday, the beauty of Weight Watchers is that I am able to eat fresh mozzarella.  Granted I can't knock back a ball or ten, but in moderation it's A OK!  Here is a snapshot of my lovely fresh mozzarella pizza.
A close up so you can really see the ingredients.
Fresh Pizza: 9 points
Recipe from the Kitchen of LER
-1 slice of Trader Joe's Indian Naan Bread - 3 points
-1 Ripe Tomato on the Vine Sliced - 0 points
-2 oz Avocado Sliced - 2 points
- 5 or 6 Fresh Basil Leaves coarsely chopped - 0 points
-2 oz Fresh Mozzarella (BelGioioso Brand - not sure if all are the same) - 4 points
-Fresh ground Pepper and Salt to Taste
-Optional: Tiny Squeeze of fresh lemon juice

I follow the directions and cook the Naan first.  Then I just take it out, stack the ingredients, and broil until the cheese is melted.  You can make a few easy substitutions to reduce points: half the amount of cheese (lose 2 points), replace avocado with a grilled zero point veggie, etc.  Another option is to make a pesto sauce by using some garlic and 1 tsp of Olive Oil (that is 1 point) and more basil.  The beauty of this recipe is that you can make just about anything your little heart desires.

I need a little something more than just a pizza, although as you can tell from the picture this really does take up a plate so it's not a tiny portion per say!  I think the Naan gives you a good amount of bread for not a lot of points!!  I call myself a volume eater.  Clearly this is what got me into trouble in the first place!!  However, you can still be a volume eater on Weight Watchers, you just have to pick the right foods on which to binge!  A small garden salad is a good side for the pizza.  Some grilled or oven roasted veggies.  I actually ended up steaming a huge handful of French Green Beans (I eat a ton of these) that I topped with some lemon/salt/pepper.  If you eat one tiny bean at a time you can really extend your total eating time!!  Am I crazy or does everyone else feel like they constantly have to manipulate themselves when eating to achieve satisfaction??

At any rate, the beauty of this whole meal is that it requires VERY little effort, VERY little clean up, and VERY little time.  Top it off with a nice little dessert and you really will go to bed feeling happy!

I wish I had time to write more but today has been hectic.  I have to go work on my daughter's meal - that in itself is a true test of will power (chicken fingers, mac and cheese, etc...)  I do have a few good posts in the works that I hope to pull together for later in the week.  Thanks again for all the fun comments, I do love reading them and do respond (I am still a blogger newbie, so I am not sure if when I respond to a comment the original commenter is notified...didn't want anyone out there thinking I was ignoring them!).  So keep them coming because I love to hear your thoughts!


DJW said...

Good for you...The pizza is a great idea but no Trader Joes in the deep deep South. Any other suggestions?? although I prefer your homemade pizza - it is the best...I think another week of motivation from you and I will try the first weigh in - after the Easter bunny comes -- thank God I only have Patrick's candy to eat this year and not all four boys!!! yeah for those four pounds gone for you...

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