Sunday, March 28, 2010

Random Sunday Night Thoughts

I had hoped to write something over the weekend, but looks like time got away from me.  So instead of writing a well thought out story, I figured I would share what my brain is really like on Sunday night...a hodge podge of unconnected thoughts!!  

1.  I meant to mention last week that my crotchety middle aged dog joined the ranks of us weight loss warriors.  She typical packs on a little winter weight, we all need to stay warm through these northern winters now don't we?  I'll admit I noticed the harness was a bit snug.  Normally she is a lean and trim because she doesn't seem to have a cut off in her brain when it comes to exercise.  She will be crippled but still chasing a ball down on three legs.  Now if a geneticist could isolate and clone that gene they'd have my business...providing I didn't grow fur and start drooling.  I guess we probably gave her a few too many table scraps....I hate to waste the food my daughter doesn't eat.  But alas, it was confirmed my dog is now a fatty too.  She only has to lose 2 lbs, which if it were me I'd go out and celebrate that number with an ice cream!  But for her, that is 10% of her body weight.  The great thing about being a dog, she has NO choice in the matter and will be back to her trim weight in no time.  

2.  I am officially board with my diet.  It's been two weeks of regimented eating.  While I'm proud of myself for lasting this long I am starting to get that urge to snack.  It's getting louder and louder and I'm worried I won't be able to drown out the voices!!  I am hoping I have made progress and that when I step on that scale tomorrow the results will boost my moral and make me realize this is worth it!!

3.  While I'm nervous about the weigh in fearing I have not lost a pound, I am pleased to report that my jeans are feeling roomy in the thighs.  Now, that could be because I have not had a chance to wash them so they are stretched out.  But I am hopeful that I am starting to shed some of the fat that is evenly coated all over my body like a few extra layers of skin.

4.  I managed to make it a whole weekend at my parents without going off the diet.  This might not sound like a big deal, but for a foodie like me, it's the equivalent of putting a recovered crack addict next to a crack house and saying "Don't smoke crack."  OK, I'm not a crack addict so I can't really speak to that with any authority, but I know what it's like to want to eat the worst possible things.  My dad's house is like a minefield of candy dishes.  This weekend was worse than usual in preparation for Easter.  How I passed the peanut butter eggs I have no idea...thank you diet god!!!  My mom's house has a vat of Planter's Dry Roasted Peanuts.....oh, the will power it took not to whip out that bucket and just inhale.  I ate a few but docked myself the appropriate points.  I even manged to make myself a low calorie chicken/rice/veggie dinner whilst my family tore into lobster drenched in butter.  I guess it helps that I am not a lobster junkie.  Point being, I took the initiative to make my own meal rather than get sucked down the black hole of dieter's traps.  The more I do it the easier it feels.

5.  I still have yet to hit the gym but I have been very active.  Due to recent flooding my basement is still up in the main living area of my house.  Today I must have done 30 trips up and down stairs bringing boxes back down.  My knees hurt, my back hurts, my arms hurt.  Not in the good way you feel after a workout, but in that way you know you are WAY out of shape.  Anyway, I have to think I burned a calorie or two in today's events.  We are bracing for another round of rain up North, so this box moving routine might just be my new form of exercise should our basement decide to take on water again.  By the end of this ordeal maybe I can apply to a moving company to bring in some spare cash on the side.  That is sure to get me in shape.

6.  Despite all my complaining I am going to stay strong.  One of my best friends is getting married in San Diego in the coming weeks and I will be making the trip.  The fact that bathing suit season is coming early for me may have been the subconscious catalyst for this entire diet.  This trip will also bring about the challenge we all face "How do I diet and eat out at the same time?"  I know I will not be totally regimented while out there. Life is too short to miss out on good food and drink to celebrate a special event.  I think the problem is when everyday becomes a special event.  Anyway, I'm curious to see how the whole adventure will go as I know I will not be at my goal by the time I'm sunshine bound!

Thanks for taking a ride on the LER brain train tonight.  As I said earlier, my mind is a racetrack of competing thoughts as I prepare to begin another week.  Lucky for you, I only shared the food related items...otherwise you'd be NOT reading for days!  


Stacey said...

Go you! I have my first weigh in on Thursday and I'm pretty nervous. I was good this weekend except for using most of my extra points on wine. I don't think that qualified as "hunger buster" do you?

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