Friday, March 26, 2010

Weekend Doom

Only 3 more days until I weigh in.  It's like my own personal "The Biggest Loser" party of one (two with my sister).  I think I'm hoping to "post big numbers" like they do on the show.  Main difference being, I am not trying to lose 200 lbs so I think dropping 10 lbs. in a week is highly unlikely.  Second hurdle, the lack of exercise. Those people spend all day pulling trucks, riding bikes in the air, swimming across lakes all to the barking of personal trainers in the background.  Additionally, I bet Jillian Michaels has them on her detox regiment as well in order to boost those weight loss numbers (  I'm sorry but I have too much respect for my colon to try one of those cleanse things!  Here at home, I only have little old me to yell and scream inside my head "Get to the gym, get to the gym."  However, after the initial yell those voices get quieter and quieter as my brain is pretty well occupied trying to keep my grubby little paws out of the fridge.  I can generally find any excuse to avoid the gym (that is a post in itself).  My latest is a minor cold/allergies that have been lingering over the past few weeks and that has been just enough of an excuse to keep me out of the pool.

I am also questioning my logic in setting Monday as the standard weight in day.  Who likes Mondays anyway...and then to throw in starting your day on a scale.  That might be enough to cause anyone to hit the snooze button 10 extra times and pull the covers right back overhead.  Furthermore weighing yourself just out of the weekend could be discouraging.  I don't know about everyone else, but weekends in our household means that my husband is around to mess up all our routines, most notably food.  He somehow has the will power not to snack or eat bad foods.  But he likes to have these large meals or uses weekend time to play the role of Food Network chef in training.  We are usually on the hunt for some rare ingredient just to satisfy a hankering he has.  Not too long ago he decided on a whim he wanted to have a Hawaiian Luau style pig roast.  Shy of hiring some guys to come dig a hole in your backyard, bury a whole pig, and smoke the sucker all day this is not one of those recipes you generally make at home.  Lets not even get into the fact this is in no way a sensible meal for a dieter.  But no, off we were on a Saturday morning to the Home Depot where we purchased a Smoker (to this day it has only been used that one time although I am determined to find a healthy use for it this summer).  I thought this was going to be a major investment but luckily we found this Brinnkmann Smoke n' Grill for $40!

Next stop Chinatown, where your chance of finding a parking spot is about as great as seeing the Loch Ness Monster in your lifetime.  This would have to be a drop and circle effort, still no easy feat in the streets of Chinatown.  After having visited a few traditional grocery establishments, Chinatown was the only place we were able to find banana leaves (frozen).  Lastly we had to go to a butcher because most grocery stores do not stock Pig Butt in their meat sections.  Half the day gone we were headed home so the man could play with his new toy and tend to his meat while I spent the rest of the afternoon in the kitchen fixing several not so healthy sides like homemade Mac and Cheese and cornbread for our pending company.  After all that, my husband was disappointed in the Luau Pig.  Oh, did I mention all this occurred the a weekend before our condo was to go on the market with an open house???

Point being, staying the course of dieting over the weekend in my house is an interesting challenge.  I love that my husband likes to cook and it's really nice to have a break.  I wish I could convince him to try a few less complicated and calorie laden meals.  

Getting back to the weigh in...perhaps the impending doom of the scale looming in the back of my mind will be enough to keep me on track over the weekend.  I think a huge milestone for me is to learn how to eat with my husband while staying within my limits.  I hate the thought of constantly cooking separate meals.  In past it is usually easier to give in and get back to the diet on Monday.  But the last few weeks I have been able to modify some recipes and carve a meal out of what he is making.  That will be a future post - how to eat a real meal on Weight Watchers!!

Until then, happy dieting and good luck going into this weekend.


Stacey said...

Just started WW last week and I really like that it's a Thursday weigh in :-) Can't wait to hear your tips about cooking to fit the points system!

A. said...

I'm a fan of the Saturday morning weigh in - if you post good numbers, you get a little carte blanche to be a little loose with the calories that day, and you have all the next week to get back on track. Cheating? Maybe!
- Allison

LER said...

Ha guys crack me up!! We'll be an informal army of online WW people. By the way, I do follow both your first it felt stalkerish...but hey, if you are writing its out there to read right?? Its nice to have something to crack you up during the day and you both have beautiful families!!

Amy said...

I read your blog...does that make me stalkerish? It makes me laugh and I miss Wilson Farms even more since your post the other day. Amy

LER said...

Next time you are at WF let me know....we should meet up for a veggie shopping date!! We can help each other steer clear of the homemade samples!!

susanne13 said...

i am also a stalker, i read all of your blogs and i love them! i am not doing WW but have thought about it many times, they even meet at my gym. i can do the workout stuff, it's the eating that has always been an issue! also, as stacey can probably attest, jillian michael's 30 day shred is pretty good - stuff you wouldn't think to do yourself and good for the core!

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