Monday, April 19, 2010

Monday weight loss and stomach woes.

I'm at the start of week 6 of the diet.  Honestly, I never thought I would have lasted this long.  I weighed in the morning and am down to 162.5, a loss of almost 2 lbs since last week.  A loss of 10 lbs since I started.  I'm super happy to have lost 10 lbs and I can report I do feel a bit lighter.  I feel like I've been on a diet forever even thought it hasn't been that long.  I'm also impatient and frustrated that it has taken five weeks to lose 10 lbs.  I KNOW, I KNOW....that is good, normal, healthy.  I'm happy to be losing weight at all.  I think I'm still stuck mentally in my younger years when dropping 10 lbs would have taken half the amount of time and half the amount of effort.  Yet I must come to accept my body is no longer an ally but something I have to fight against as metabolism has slowed, baby fat rolls have implanted, and joints that have broken down making exercise less than pleasurable.  I just wish it could be as easy as all those silly commercials for diet pills or exercise equipment make it look.

I admit, I was delusional and thought this would be a much quicker process.  But if I want to lose another 10-12 lbs I'm realistically looking at the end of June until I'm where I anticipate I want to be.  I know it's not that long and now that I have a routine under my belt I am feeling like I can go the distance.  I am proud I'm starting week six because as I said earlier, I have never been committed that long to a diet.  Seeing the results, even though slow, is encouraging.

Now onto bigger stomach.  Again, I think I was somewhat delusional in thinking that if I just dropped 20 lbs, my stomach would miraculously look like it did pre-baby.  I could once again whip out my cute little bikinis that have been packed in a box waiting for the day my stomach would be ready to make it's grand appearance again.  Let's just forget for a minute that I may not be able to show it because of it's blinding white color!  I could once again pop in my belly button ring that I got so many years ago (actually with one reader who's been great about commenting regularly and has also noted feeling her clothes are getting baggier and baggier as she sticks to her diet!).  Let's just forget for a moment it's probably no longer age appropriate for me to be sporting stomach jewelry.  I think the sad truth that I've been avoiding is that in order to have my stomach in any kind of shape I'd like it to be in, I am going to have to do sit ups.  Oh vomit right there!

I HATE, no LOATHE, no, ABHOR - which is a stronger word...loathe or abhor??  Whichever one is worse is how I feel about sit ups.  I don't like doing them.  I don't like how I feel after.  I don't like that I have to roll over to my side and use my arms to get up after doing them for a few days in a row.  I still don't understand why your stomach muscle can't follow the same basic principles that the other major muscle groups follow when in training.  The rule of thumb is that you lift every other day allowing for a day of rest.  Yet for some ridiculously cruel reason, the stomach is the exception.  I would rather work my legs or arms or whatever everyday, but the stomach?  Why o why?  I think stomach exercises are so boring.  They also seem so much more painful.  Yet I know they are the necessary evil that needs to occur in order to perhaps re-flatten that puckered area.  Every week I say is the week I begin and I'm still sitting here at the start of week six finding another reason not to do sit ups today.

Maybe I like my stomach a little too much at this point to put it through the hellacious ordeal of stomach exercise.  I mean, I've gotten used to it's padding when I rest my dinner plate there.  It's slight bulge is a good resting place for my daughter when I carry her around.  At this point my stomach is almost like a long lost friend.  It has a number of names, none of which are nice (fat roll, food baby, the pooch, my happy little gut, etc...).  I just can't see putting my friend through the torture of belly exercises, at least not today.  Maybe tomorrow I'll tell the old gut it's time to get with the program, but for today we'll keep plodding along like we're old buddies.  I wouldn't go and put money on that right now, but at least I know I have the thought percolating in my brain.  We'll see just how long it takes to brew!


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