Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Perfect Diet Discovered!

I found it...the perfect diet...the diet I've been looking for my whole life.  Take a look and I'm sure you'll all agree.

If some of you cannot open right now this is the "Michael Phelps Diet" as parodied on Saturday Night Live.  Basically all you have to do is eat 12,000 calories a day!  Hey, I can do it, you can do it, we all can do it!  It sounds like a lot but I bet you'd be surprised how quickly you could burn through 12,000 calories.  Now, the only have to swim 4,000 laps at world record pace.  I really think I might be on to something here...I mean, I already swim, not well or fast granted, but that skill can be honed.  I figure in just a few short months of intense training I too can swim at a Michael Phelps pace thus allowing me to eat whatever I want.  I am feeling much better now as I readjust my dieting goals!!!

Sigh, if only it could be the case.  This skit may seem like a joke, but you can look at a lot of news reports around the time of the Olympics and this is actually a pretty accurate list of his food intake and choices.  All kidding aside, can you imagine eating that much food or those particular food items everyday?  I found a ton of clips on You Tube of people trying to take on the Michael Phelps food challenge.  Most ended up getting sick or complaining that the sheer volume was just too much to actually consume in his normal 12 hour stretch and even spreading out to a 24 hour period was almost impossible.  There is the part of me that would love to take on the challenge, but damn, I've lost 10 lbs and I think this would be enough to put it all back on.  Then again, I'd probably hate food so much after the eat fest I'd starve myself and lose the full 20!  Something to ponder.

While this is extreme, my recent snack urges have felt in some way like this clip.  The thought of sitting down and eating a pound of pasta (even I'll admit 2 seems too much) is almost intoxicating.  I don't want my small portion, but I really want to just eat until the point of discomfort, which is more or less what I've done prior to my diet.  When you feel sick you're all done!  It was working for me for quite some time.  Last night, as noted by my post, was crazy....I wanted to eat anything in sight (barring all condiments of course).  If there were a piece of chocolate covered cardboard, I'd likely have scarfed that too.  I ended up eating a bit of candy and dipping into my flex points.  I decided it was finally time to ingest that 4 point Reese Peanut Butter Cup Egg I've been coveting since Easter.  I have to say it wasn't as good as I fantasized and I'm not having the desire to go back and have another.  I am feeling guilty today, but am listening to all those who have been at this longer than I tell me it's OK to dip into that extra point zone.  That is what they are there for.  Sometimes you just need a bit more and you should just cut yourself some slack and allow yourself to use the extra points.  So I'm just going with it and hoping that I'll be able to stay on track.  Otherwise, Michael Phelps Diet, here I come!  Seriously, if you can't beat the food addiction why not go down in flames??


A. said...

That looks just crazy - I don't see a single green thing on those plates, except for the lettuce on the burgers (didn't watch the video, though - maybe it shows that he does eat vegetables?). I remember these stories from during the Olympics - Phelps is a hometown boy around my parts, so he was big news during each Olympics for which I've been in Maryland.

I like swimming, but not THAY much. I'd have to keep searching for the perfect diet :-).

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