Sunday, April 4, 2010

On the other side of Easter Terror...Easter Survival.

Here we are again on Sunday night.  I have to give myself a pat on the back for surviving Easter.  I went into battle armed with will power fully expecting to crumble at the first whiff of cheese, candy, and ham.  Much to my surprise I held myself in check.  To give you a sense of what I was up against please see a few photos from our Easter brunch.

Baked Eggs (Basically hard boiled eggs baked in pounds of if the egg itself wasn't bad enough!!)
Cheese (Need I say more):
Asparagus (Note the super Healthy Hollandaise Sauce):
I did make two recipes from my last post that were low calorie options for optimistic dieters like myself: (Lemon Roasted Vegetables with Chives AND Golden Onion Prosciutto Strata).  Both, particularly the Strata, came out very well and I would not have known they were as low calorie as they were!
My mouth is watering reliving this all over again.  But I am quite proud that I managed to keep my entire Easter Brunch to 12 little points.  SERIOUSLY???  I have never had self control around food...EVER.  But today some unknown force took over and created the plate (no seconds for what you see is what I ate) below:
Strata 5, Roasted Veg 2, Hard Boiled Egg (not butter baked!!) 2, Ham 3 (not pictured), Asparagus (sans Hollandaise) and Fruit 0...for a grand total of 12!!!  I watched as those around me fell like victims of a savage food war.  My husband, with the exception of holidays, has amazing self restraint when it comes to food.  Over the course of the day he knocked back 13 (yes a baker's dozen) eggs (baked, plain hard boiled, and deviled).  Presently he is writhing around on the couch complaining something fierce, but insists it was all worth it in the spirit of Easter.

Not one piece of candy passed my normally sugar dependent tooth.  I continued my day without snacking, prepared a healthy dinner, and did not dip into my flex points at all.  I don't know if it's the build up to tomorrow morning's weigh in, a sick child keeping me too busy to snack, or the fact that I'll be packing a bathing suit for my trip to San Diego later this week...probably a combo of all three.  Now while the hard work was done today, I am by no means out of the woods dear readers.  Please take a close look at the two overflowing baskets of Easter candy now sitting on my kitchen counter:
Even though everyone gave our daughter only small amounts of candy, there were a lot of givers (myself included) and that small amount became this.  Piles of Peeps, Reese's Peanut Butter Eggs, Reese's Pieces, Cad-bury Cream Eggs, Chocolate Bunnies, Sweedish Fish, Gummy Worms, Chocolate Blueberries and so on and so forth.  I am a SUCKER for anything Reese's and of course this is a large percentage of the stockpile.  I could throw it all away, but I won't.  I hope that I remember how badly I felt as a child after my dad stole handfuls of my Halloween candy and refrain from taking my child's hard earned sweets.  This candy should last her until Halloween if I behave myself!!

At any rate, I hope everyone had wonderful Easter celebrations and hopefully didn't do too much damage to the mid section.  Eh, it's only one day right?  Until tomorrow, oh lovely weigh-in Monday, good night and steer clear of the Easter Candy should midnight snacking take hold!


A. said...

You did far better than me today, and I didn't have an Easter brunch as an excuse. Good for you!

Stacey said...

Deviled eggs were my weakness at our Easter brunch. I flew through my flex points this weekend...far too much wine. I think I have 4.5 left to get me through Thursday. Looks like I have to be super vigilent :-)

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