Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Wetsuit...perhaps we should all own one!

This past weekend I had to opportunity to take a surf lesson while in San Diego.  I have always migrated towards non-traditional sports and tend to do better at those than your standard team sports.  I had wanted to try surfing for a while, something that I still cannot believe I neglected to do after spending two weeks in Hawaii on my honeymoon. Those were the pre-child days where I was actually in shape.  Given my fitness level now, I can imagine how much better my first attempt would have been some years ago.

None the less I decided it was time to give it a try not only because it has been something I have always wanted to try, but because I also thought it would be a good way to burn off a small portion of some of my non-diet food that was being ingested over the course of the weekend.  Well, let me tell you, if I lived in CA and had the opportunity to surf on a regular basis I would have no reason to be writing this blog.  That stuff is HARD work, much harder than I had imagined.  When I think of being in the ocean it summons thoughts of peace and tranquility...light blue turquoise seas lapping at a sandy white beach line.  Granted the past few trips to the ocean have been more of a tropical nature where my one and only job was "beach slug."  However, entering the Pacific off San Diego I was met with a force of pounding waves and strong currents that beat me up for an hour.  And that was a calm day!

But before any of the wave pounding activity began it was time to suit up...literally.  The water temp was 60 degrees, which by New England Standards might as well be tropical.  However, it's cool when you're out there for a while and the air temperature is only 65 degrees (of course there was a cool snap the weekend I was there!)  At any rate, April is not considered "skin" season by a San Diegans.  While I was not about to hit the water without one, I was sort of dreading putting this thing on....a skin tight rubber suit (technically I think it's foamed neoprene)....oh how this could really accentuate all the right areas.  Let me tell you dear reader, I was WRONG.  Aside from the difficulty of getting into the wetsuit initially, it is my new best friend.  Not only was it squishily comfortable, but it was damn flattering if I do say so myself!  I felt cool.  I felt like an athlete.  I felt skinny.  This sucker was like Spanx on steroids, only comfortable (and I know because I had to wear the dreaded Spanx this weekend for my wedding outfit).  Had I not been required to return the wetsuit (it was part of my lesson package) I think I may have worn it the rest of the weekend.  Downtown to get a sandwich for lunch - no problem, I'd blend right in with all the other wetsuit wearers.  Instead of a cocktail dress for the wedding....a wetsuit...I'd look like a truly authentic Southern California girl who had stumbled out of the ocean just in time to hear the nuptials!  On the red eye home....I'd just be considered some eccentric and perhaps the seat next to me would have been vacated because of my oddness.  And what better way to stay warm in New England than with a stylish foam body suit??  I could be the trend setter for women's fashion at our preschool and be svelte in the process.  Bub-bye baggy long underwear, hello fat sucking wetsuit!

Oh yes ladies (and men....probably only my husband reading at this point), you two can lose 20 lbs in appearance alone just by adding a simple wetsuit to your everday wardrobe.  I honestly debated buying one because I thought I looked so cute and athletic and I didn't want that feeling to go away.  For those of you who don't know me, I am fairly modest and tend to be self deprecating so this compliment is no small matter!  Luckily it didn't take me too long to realize the ridiculousness of this reasoning but the experience continued to re-fuel my current desire to get my birthday suit in wetsuit shape!

What I will say about the whole experience, wetsuit fashion aside, was that it was not only fun, but truly an amazing full body workout.  Between paddling and fighting the current alone your body takes a beating.  I managed to "get up" three times (one was my goal).  Originally I thought an hour wouldn't be enough time, but I can say I don't think I could have gone much longer for my first attempt.  While I love New England, it did make me sad to come home realizing I'd be much more apt to be an outdoor athletic enthousiast if I lived in a warm weather climate.  However, we all have to find ways within our current situation and there is some limited surfing in my area.  I loved it so much that I am going to investigate the possibility of taking it up as a summer hobby back East.  And the best part - I GET TO BUY A WETSUIT!!!!  I mean, is there any doubt about that up here in the Arctic Atlantic???  Here is the one I wore this weekend and loved:
No - that is not me striking a model pose but I have to say, in my own mind I think I rocked the suit just as much as this lady!  And I have better hair!

I am also going to plug the surf shop/lesson center I visited while in La Jolla, CA in case anyone is ever in the area and think they need to try to surfing.  The shop is called Surf Diva (I love that it's all geared toward women although it does serve male clientele) and the website is: http://www.surfdiva.com/

Personally I can't wait to find a reason to go back!  This time with my own wetsuit that I won't have to return!


Stacey said...

You need to show us your picture so we can see the spanx type impressiveness :-)

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