Saturday, May 22, 2010

An addendum to "Condiment Do's and Don'ts"

I have found two noteworthy items to post as follow up to my condiment piece.

First, my sister found a Facebook group for "People Who have Emotional and/or Psychological Issues with Condiments"...(  There are only 26 members (I am holding off on joining because I am not ready to publicly register my freakishness) so at least I know I am not alone in the world!

Second, my husband found a silly "Table of Condiments" noting the lifespan of each condiment.  I didn't realize just how many condiments I'd overlooked and how many more there are out there to hate!  At least I know now when to throw the offenders away that are required to be in my household be other normal family members.  See  link if you too want to protect yourself from rotting condiments:

I am just trying to do my job as a public service agent of food by informing all my readers!!  Enjoy.


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