Monday, May 3, 2010

Did she do it folks??

That is the 10 million dollar question.  Did the neurotic crazy dieting fiend crack the illusive 150's?  Why yes, I can finally put a 5 after the 1.  I weighed in at 158 this morning, down another 2 lbs from last week, 14 in total.  I am actually in the vicinity of my pre-child days...not too far from my wedding day weight.  Mind you even if I got to that weight, I do not think my current body would resemble the one from my formative years unless I go for the tummy tuck.  But I have to say I am pretty happy to feel like I've sunk below 160.  Three years of haphazard trying and I guess all it really took was some motivation and actual follow through - not generally my strong suit!

This whole weight loss thing is fairly contagious.  For the first time ever I am addicted to losing weight (don't any of you worry, I think a transition to anorexia is far from eminent....I like food too much and prefer to exert my control freakish ways in other areas).  Now if I could only translate some of that enthusiasm to the sit up and weight lifting department.  I think with even a moderate amount of effort focused on my abs, arms, and legs, I could get some definition back.  I would be nice to weight my goal weight and not be lumpy.  Unfortunately I think that is where I'm heading.  I think I can reach that goal but am going to have my stomach pooch and my tree trunk legs remain unless I get serious about a little weight training.'s always something isn't it?

Wow...I don't know where the day went.  I started this at 2pm and it's now 7:45.  We have family visiting so the latter part of the day involved passenger pick up, a bit of entertaining and cooking.  It takes 10 times as long to cook ANYTHING when you have to boil your damn water for contamination purposes.  I have to say my hands are raw and sticky from soap residue and antibacterial gel.  I am seriously hoping we have water usage back tomorrow but I'm thinking it most likely won't be until Wednesday.  What can you do?  I guess the plus side to this crazy busy day is that I have literally been on my feet all day long cleaning and cooking.  I had not a second to snack and I have a nice 18 points left for dinner and dessert!!  Well deserved in my opinion.

Anyway, I have a few funny stories to tell but I will have to wait until tomorrow to begin those.  This entry is already reading like a Sunday Night Ramble!  It's becoming evident that Mondays are likely going to be rushed entries.

Until tomorrow, happy and healthy eating...and just for fun drink lots of poison water (hey, if we all get a tape worm that should really aid in the weight loss process).


Stacey said...


susanne13 said...

Way to go! And glad to hear water is back to normal up in MA.

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