Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Girls are Back in Town

The male invasion has least temporarily.  I have four nights without men (OK, my 22 year old cousin is staying tomorrow night but that is just one night and he's super easy going), without meat, without making multiple dinners.  I don't have to watch Sports Center or five different programs at the same time.  I can go to sleep to the peaceful sound of my own breathing verses the thunderous snores of my husband.  My sister and I can return to a brief stint of co-dieting, co-parenting, co-dependency if you will.  Bliss, pure bliss.  I do miss my husband but am thankful for a few days of "me" time.  I am realizing just how big an adjustment it is to go from being on your own for so long to having a house full of people!

I feel like a tire that is slowly leaking air.  I'm quite tired, and was even too tired to make a trip to the grocery store.  Like all other routines, my shopping habits have been completely shattered.  My daughter is surviving on bread, bacon, and cream cheese.  To be honest, even with a house full of food that set of items wouldn't be too different.  My sister and I padded around the kitchen tonight trying to figure out what to make that would not require a trip to the store.  Sadly, I didn't even have a tomato in the house!  After a day of mishaps beginning with accidentally taking my husband to the airport to catch a bus (with him on the car I am on autopilot and before I knew it I was driving threw Terminal A before he said he needed to go to the bus station....sad that he didn't catch that mistake en route either!), followed by toddler peeing her bed during nap time, followed by toddler peeing her pants prior to dinner (after a year of being potty trained she seems to be going through some sort of regression...perhaps the male invasion was too much for her too :-)) it was obvious that this was NOT the day to try anything new in the kitchen.  At the end of our ingredient tour it was decided...."Let's slop it ( tonight."

I haven't had slop in weeks.  I forgot how much good diet comfort food tasted.  My sister was a rock star and cooked.  After multiple loads of pee pee laundry and the bedtime chase routine (that is still going on...I have been upstairs at least 4 times for various requests), it was so nice coming downstairs to the old stand by.  My belly that was previous telling me I needed to eat the leftover chips and cookies is now quieted.  I feel the snack demon subsiding inside and I hope the next four days of female stability will get me back on track before I have to go back into battle with boys, meat, and beer.

Well, that's all for tonight folks.  Too tired to write more.  Too burnt to write anything funny, inspirational. or useful.  So all you dieting dieters, keep on chugging (we played Thomas the Train today) and until tomorrow, happy and healthy eating!


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