Sunday, May 9, 2010

Sunday Night Ramblings Mother's Day Edition

First of all, I'm so sorry to my small but dedicated readership for abandoning you for a few days.  Between entertaining and Mother's Day events I have not found a lot of time to write.  I have had much material given my glutenous surroundings of the past few days.  We'll see what I can work into this Sunday night!

1.  Prior to my Mother's Day feast which I will get into in a minute, I put on a pair of "new" old jeans.  Last fall my beloved jeans that I wore everyday, fit perfectly, tore while I was watching the kitchen floor.  It was the classic bend over and rip scenario.  The only option I had was to suck it up and go jeans shopping - a dreaded activity for most of us.  I have learned in my later years to spend a little more on a good quality pair of jeans that will fit better and last longer.  A trip to Nordstrum with the help of their personal shoppers I walked away a little poorer but two pairs of jeans richer!  One I wear everyday.  The other I was convinced to buy (and they did look good and feel OK in the store - I was actually anticipating losing some weight when I bought them) but never fit comfortably upon bringing home.  So I more or less gave up on them.  Until tonight.  I have been feeling a bit lighter in step and thought, why not give those lovely designer blues a chance to see life outside the closet.  Much to my delight, they fit very nicely and even after some time in them were a bit lose in places.  Woo hoo for dieting!!!

2.  Up next, the big fat cheat...I think.  I have done so much cooking the past few days, most of which I have not been able to eat, that I wanted nothing to do with a pot or a pan this Mother's Day evening.  We came up with the idea to hit a Japanese Steak House for the good food, and the entertainment factor for a three year old.  She was mildly amused and snacked on a dinner of rice while I inhaled more calories then I think I was alloted for the day.  Fried rice, veggies cooked in oil and lard (it's so nice to see what is actually going into your food as it is cooked in front of your that is what makes it taste so good!), shrimp, filet.  Yum yum yum.  Since it was an occasion to celebrate Mother's Day the chef guy kept giving me all the excess.  It was too hard to explain my diet so I just went with it.  I guess the only saving grace is that I only consume a cookie today in preparation for what I knew would be a full blown eat fest.  It was good, it was the perfect fix.  I hope this has not affected my numbers too much.  We shall see in a few short hours.

3.  I came home after a night at my mom's to a clean house, folded laundry, mowed lawn, and vacuumed floors.  In all our years of marriage this has never occurred.  It was a wonderful surprise...the best Mother's Day present...kudos to my husband.  Your work was noticed and appreciated.  Now, onto the other portion of my gift.  A joke if you will.  I got lots of silly little gift cards to Burger King, Dunkin Donuts, Starbucks, and Papa John's.  There was also a pint of ice cream in the freezer.  He had originally planned to make me a carrot cake (a favorite of both of us) but luckily for me he ran out of time.  Perhaps he likes the extra meat on my bones?  The BK card is all him...he knew I'd pass that one over!  Luckily I can frequent my two coffee establishments without actually inhaling calories, although I'd like to (I have to say I have tried the new Starbucks Cherry Mocha Latte - skinny style of course - and it is fab-u-lous!).  But I do have the confidence with the new sweets, that I knew were bought with love, in the house based on my restraint among the Easter candy.

4.  I did not make my goal to get to the gym for two (or was it three??) swims this week.  Only one for me.  But I have to think I made up for it with back breaking gardening - hence the aversion to further exercise.  I did start to get the bikes tuned so perhaps in addition to my normal goal of 2 swims this week I'll set a goal of 1 bike ride (I think this is pretty aggressive given my week but here's hoping!).

5.  I have a wonderful new recipe, courtesy of my sister, that I am eager to share with you all this week.  It may replace the veggie roll up on my go to meal as that may finally have run its course for a while.  As well I have a few yummy side dishes I've made that I need to share as well.  Why is it that I'm always 10 steps behind in just about every area of my life?

6.  I am sure there is more to babble on about but I have some steak in my teeth and I must go floss it out before it drives me crazy.  See, there is a reason not to eat red meat (yeah right!).

Until tomorrow, oh happy weigh in day, happy healthy eating to all!


A. said...

Good luck on the weigh-in today! Sounds like a great weekend.

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