Thursday, May 13, 2010

Oh the pressure

I have noticed a slight spike in "readership" since checking my Google Analytics account (this was my husband's - Mr. Metrics - idea).  I have to say it's pretty cool to track those reports.  I've even managed to make 60 whole cents (I don't think I'll get a check cut for that any time soon...but it's the first 60 cents I've earned for myself in a long time....outside of being a mom and all)!!  So a HUGE thank you to anyone who is reading, laughing, struggling out there with me.  And feel free to pass on to anyone who needs a chuckle here and there.  It's so funny because I am a pretty shy person, my sister has always been the outgoing one, but I have usually been able to entertain people with my writing.  I remember my one of my best friends and I used to write notes in high school and there was one note I wrote that had us laugh so hard that we'd take it out every summer we were home from college to re-read.  Every available space of the paper was used and it was even complete with drawings of a Chuckles candy running off the page with an Ebola virus (don't ask, because I have no clue what my brain was doing but that is the part of the note I still remember).  The note has since been lost but I still have hope one day my friend and I will kick back on our rocking chairs as 60 year old ladies and she'll whip it out and we'll keel over with laughter.

Anyway, that was a nice walk down memory lane.  With this increase in readers I feel an even greater sense of pressure to write interesting things.  I am trying to look at this a little bit like a job...I know that sounds very serious, but I hope maybe one day this will turn into something more, like a book.  Although I've been saying that I'm going to write a book for 10 years now....still waiting!!  The pressure is building on all fronts, not just the desire to write quality entries.  But the pressure to work out more, to eat better.  Pressure = stress = snacking.  Help oh help I need to break this vicious cycle.  I am having a horrible snack heavy week where I feel many of those old habits rear their ugly heads.  One reader so rightly pointed out that one key to success is to avoid having the junk in the house in the first place.  I had done a pretty good job of that prior to the testosterone invasion I mentioned in my previous post.  Clearly there is little I can do about my dinner menus, and for the most part I can hold my own for meal time.  But it's the snacking that is killing me.

I've also learned that boys cannot have a sandwich without chips.  Normally more of a sweet person, I have an affinity for BBQ chips.  Well guess what needs to accompany've got it...BBQ chips.  My brother-in-law shares my propensity for sweets, so in some ways I think we are co-enabling each other.  He and my husband picked up an industrial sized container of Madeline cookies at Costco yesterday.  Really....I just finished off those blasted Black and White cookies (yes that's right...the whole package gone in a few short days) and now I have to combat those.  I bought two jumbo sized zucchini muffins with cream cheese frosting because I knew he'd eat some and I could have a bite (oh yeah, and my daughter too!!).  The plan worked perfectly, except I had more than a bite!  Thankfully my BIL ate one whole one on his own otherwise I'd have been in serious trouble.  I have decided it's time to get rid of the ice cream in the freezer.  After this post I am going to the freezer and I'm going to douse it with a cleaning agent and then dump down the disposal.  Believe me, the cleaning agent is necessary or I may find myself scraping ice cream off my sink for one last taste (it's funny how my germaphobia can be put aside in the name of ice cream).  The more time that ticks by this week and the more snacking I do the more I fear I may be writing to you on Monday for the first time with extra poundage!!

I did exercise my own sweet revenge on the boys the other day (not really).  The other night we were all drooling over the TV as we watched the KFC Double Down commercial for the 101 time.  The next day I decided the boys who are working so hard in the basement needed a little pick me up.  I stopped at the KFC next to my gym (yes, for real, there is a KFC/Taco Smell RIGHT next to my gym....lovely!) and ordered a DD at the drive through.  I was actually embarrassed ordering this ridiculous sandwich and was thankful I could hide in my car.  I pulled in at 10:35 and quickly became a hero.  We all rushed to the kitchen to unveil the holy grail of sandwiches.  Upon opening, we three were quite disappointed.  Does this look anything like the pictures on TV?
And now the Advertising Version:

Despite looking a little less crispy the taste test was deemed a success.  My brother-in-law said it was "disgusting" in a way that really means good.  I had one small bite and I have to admit it was good.  Salty and tangy and the kind of caloric bliss that makes you eat more and more of that sort of food.  After eating only half the boys decided even that was too much gluttony and threw the remainder away.  But hey, at least they were equally temped as I have been over the past few days with their junk food in the house.  Sweet revenge.  I'm pretty sure it's suppose to work in reverse, that we are all suppose to support each other's efforts to live a healthier existence.  Anyway, all I know is that the junk has to go, my sister needs to come back, and I need to find my will power that has been a fair weather friend this week.

Until tomorrow, happy healthy eating to you all!


Stacey said...

I have to say, that sandwich looks gross in real life. But I guess that's good because then I won't get one and use all my extra weekly points! I am officially at -10 pounds as of my weigh in yesterday. Yeah!!! 7 weeks of weight loss and on track to knock off 20 pounds by family reunion/vacation. Interesting I thought I was going to gain weight this week because I didn't try as hard as I normally do (didn't track everything). Regardless it all worked out so I'm happy :-) I need to know more about how you really feel about having your husband home all day every day! I can't imagine going from being a SAHM with a WOHH to a WAHH. It would drive me nuts.

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