Monday, May 31, 2010

The Big Weigh-in followed by Memorial Day Eats

I shuffled to the bathroom half asleep after another rotten night of sleep.  We are in this in-between AC and open window weather right now.  For some reason our second floor gets a little stuffy so I find myself needing the AC a bit earlier than normal.  The house gets so much sun I think it gets trapped on the second floor.  However, I love the fresh air so have been resisting the AC and I do think that is contributing to my poor sleeping.  I once again had a night time snack attack...luckily this one far less damaging that the previous night.  I had a 100 calorie pack in my nightstand (I know, strange, but I brought it up a few weeks ago for a snack but never ate it). Hopefully that is the last of the midnight munchies!  OK, clearly I derailed.  Back to the bathroom.  As I was sitting on the toilet peeing I remembered it was weigh-in Monday (this whole long weekend has really thrown me off!).  After emptying my bladder (a must for weigh-in...seriously, every little bit counts!) I moved to the scales.  It was almost like my first week weighing in after I started my diet....oh the anticipation...did my hard work actually pay off?  Oh it did!  For the first time since my diet began I posted "big" numbers!  I lost 4 whole pounds.  Something I think is sort of crazy considering that is 20% of my estimated goal of 20 lbs total.  I am officially down to 154.  I'm so close to my goal weight I can almost taste it.

Which leads my to the second half of my post, Memorial Day BBQ eats.  Similar to a handful of previous festivities I did not pig out to my old standard.  But I didn't count.  I think I was sort of celebrating my 4 lb weight loss with food, I know, how ironic!  I would guess I exceeded my daily intake of points on my pre-meals snacks alone.  I sat in front of the nut bowl hoovering an exceptional amount of salt and pepper flavored pistachios.  Once I broke the seal, I couldn't stop.  Great snack too, as I know nuts are high in calories.  Oh well, I couldn't help body was temporarily taken over by the Planter's Nut mascot.  He made me eat them, really he did!  At least I also filled up on lots of fresh veggies, and on a not so good note some cheese.  The only bonus to all this snacking is that by the time dinner rolled around I didn't have the appetite for the pounds of pasta and steak tips I'd have wanted to eat.  And I only had a small piece of angel food cake with way more fresh berries for dessert.  As I said, not my greatest diet moment, but not the worst either.

The moral of the story is that I am fairly confident that even with today's pseudo pig out, I'm still fine so long as I stick to the plan this week.  And right now I'm stuff from eating way more than I normally do that I am not feeling like eating much at all.  Although I'm sure that will clear by tomorrow!

Hope you all had good Memorial Day weekends.  Even if you didn't, you can at least take comfort in the fact that the official kick off to summer is over.  You don't have to worry about serious holiday partying until July 4th.  A month to shave off the extra lbs so you can enjoy food and fireworks!  Until tomorrow, happy healthy eating.


Stacey said...

I weigh in on Thursday and I'm nervous!! Especially because I didn't hit the pool and drank far too much. Here's hoping your luck rubs off on me too!

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