Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday Night Ramblings

Despite the fact that it's Sunday, it doesn't feel like Sunday.  Per usual my mind is all over the place and I don't have one cohesive thing to write about.  As in past I can give you a sampling of topics I'm pondering at present.

1.  Due to my dilagence my dog was able to lose 4 ounces.  I know this because we were back at the vet again this past week.  This time for a rash around her lady bits.  Seriously, I can't make this up.  My dog is the definition of money pit.  We are at the vet for one reason or another all the time.  But we love her and obviously can't put a price on that love.  I was happy to see that the diet was working for her as well.  However I do fear that with one weekend with the husband home, we've undone all that work as he sneaks her pieces of steak and other tid bits from his dinner evidently thinking I won't notice.  Really, doesn't he know that we moms have endless sets of eye balls allowing us to observe everything??  Honestly, sometimes I feel like a warden in a prison just trying to keep order in the house!

2.  The steak my husband is shoveling into his mouth as I type smells so good I can almost taste it.  I was hoping tonight would have been one of those nights we could have collaborated on dinner.  I wanted to make chicken piccata, but he was having a craving for a nice steak on the grill as he hasn't had home cooking in a while.  I didn't have the energy to argue and I knew I'd not have been satisfied with a small portion of steak (Beef really doesn't go far on Weight Watchers, one of the times I dislike this diet is when I can't have my big piece of steak!!) so I went guessed it.....the Veggie Roll Up.  Now you know I really wasn't kidding when I say I get on a kick and eat it to death.  I'm still going strong and not sick of it yet!  I have the chicken slated for tomorrow night's meal.

3.  I think I just lost the appetite for the steak I was referencing above as I watched a group of Komodo Dragons tear into a Water Buffalo on Discovery Channel's show Life.  Yeah, I'm fully satisfied with my veggie meal!

4.  I hate to admit it in writing, but I've been "sneaking" more bites and tid bits here and there over the past week.  A scoop of my daughter's mac and cheese or a bite of her discarded pizza.  Growing up (and still) my father has always been a scavenger eating up cold gnawed upon remnants of our food.  While I have not quite stooped to his level I am seeing eerie similarities between his behavior during my childhood and now mine in parenthood!  Yikes.  God help me if I start going around the table polishing off old cold dinner from my family members' plates!

Other "sneaking" has included making a dent in some of that Easter candy I wrote about.  You may recall the photos of the Easter basket candy.  All things considered I've done pretty well and steered clear of it - not one single Reese Cup has passed my mouth.  I wish I could say the same for the Swedish Fish who have fallen victim to my sweet tooth over the past week and a half.  I walk by those damn baskets every day and before I can tell myself "no" I have shoved one in my mouth and chewed it up.  Then I run from the kitchen and stay away so I don't consume them all.  I am not sure how many points they are because I threw away the wrapper with the nutrition information in hopes that not knowing the damage would deter me from eating.  Well it worked for a bit and now I'm just eating blind.  I have been docking myself a point here or there and I never seem to use my extra flex points (35) so I'm pretty confident I'm not doing too much damage to the diet.  My bigger worry is that this may set a new pattern and this is the beginning of the end for me!!  Hopefully a good number tomorrow will keep me motivated.

5.  I know over the course of diets, people usually plateau with weight loss.  While I haven't lost tons, I've been slowly ticking off a little bit here and there.  I'm terrified I'm going to step on the scale tomorrow and not have lost anything.  My pants are lose and I did put on a shirt I bought two years ago without trying on that has not fit until now (it felt great to tear off those tags).  However, my pre-shower ritual includes a brief naked spin in front of the mirror to see if the pudgy areas look any less, well, pudgy.  I feel like I look more or less the same.  So hopefully it's not just that my jeans have stretched out but that I have lost another pound or two.  I guess we'll see tomorrow.

6.  I am still craving the KFC Double Down despite being 100% disgusted by the nutritional (or lack there of) content.  Furthermore, I think it's hysterical how much press this damn sandwich is getting and that EVERYONE seems to be talking about it.  

7.  My goal for the week is to swim twice...I love to set these ridiculous goals when it's school vacation week and I'm sure the chance of meeting that goal is about as much as me dropping 10 lbs in a day!

OK, that is quite enough rambling for this Sunday night.  Hope you all tune in to see what the magic number is tomorrow.  Hope everyone out there had happy healthy weekends.


A. said...

I have been good for so long (OK, over all of last week), and then last week totally caved on the Easter candy. The Dove dark chocolate eggs and Jelly Bellies didn't stand a chance. Oh well, I'm back on the wagon today.

The "picking at the kids' food" is a major weak area for many a parent. I have to really resist the urge, with varying degrees of success. It's a hard habit to break!

Stacey said...

I feel like I look bigger rather than smaller while clothed because my clothes are starting to get too big. A good sign yes, but I'm not ready to move down a size yet. Hopefully in another 2-3 weeks! I only lost .5 pounds last week but at least I still lost! You should totally use some of your flex points. It actually helps to lose weight. Of course I tend to use mine on the weekend. I think I have 7.5 left until Friday :-)

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