Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Vacation Eating Woes...

On the one hand going away for a mini break, especially to a warm and fun place like San Diego (oh beach here I come muffin top and all!!!) is fabulous.  On the other hand, for a dieter early on in the program it's the perfect opportunity to derail.  I have dieted before, although for some reason this time around I have been dedicated in a way I never have been before.  But as with exercise, any time I break from the routine and structure it takes months to decide I want to start up again.  I am of course worried that all the hard work will go out the window after a few days of haphazard eating.  It's amazing how much of a wedding celebration revolves around eating and drinking. Then again, what else are you going to do?  The informal rehearsal gathering features pizza, beer, and s'mores.  There is an eater's dream, a dieter's nightmare.  Wedding night dinner and then a Sunday Brunch (from previous posts you all know brunch is a particular weakness of mine!).  Layered through the actual wedding events are hotel meals or quick bites while out doing the tourist thing.  I have heard San Diego is known to make a mean burrito....I don't know how I'll resist that one.

I don't really have a concrete plan for my eating once I'm out there.  At this point I think the best idea is to have a modest breakfast and a light lunch so I can enjoy the evenings which will feature food and drink.  For some odd reason I have NO problem giving up alcohol.  I know this is a particular stumbling block for many. Honestly I think the last time I had a drink was mid February.  It's not that I'm a prude or anti-alcohol, it just doesn't occur to me to drink when I could have an extra dessert at the end of the day or an extra scoop of cheese in a meal.  Sometimes I wish I were a drinker because if I cut that out of my diet I'm sure I'd drop weight a lot quicker than I have at this point.  But if you put a glass of wine and a piece of candy in front of me, I'll take the candy every time.  I really like my wine and cocktails now and again but I never really miss them like I miss my food.  However, at a wedding I would like to enjoy a glass of wine here and there.

So instead of hitting the hotel breakfast menu (Yes I've looked and drooled) like I'm eating for ten by ordering eggs in one form or another, a pile of meat, and a stack of pancakes I am going to try to stick to an egg white omelet or fruit and yogurt.  I may cheat at the brunch on Sunday, but hopefully within reason.  I do have those 35 flex points, but I think those will be gone within one bite of pizza and a single s'more on Friday night.  At this point I am going to do my best to make a few smart choices each day and to try to exert some restraint with the bad stuff (i.e. eat two pieces of pizza verses a whole pie!).  I'd like to try to do some swimming, plan to try a surf lesson or two, and walking around town.  So at the very least perhaps these activities may burn off a calorie or two!

I wish I had a better plan or idea how this would all go.  At the very least I think it could make for some interesting stories for blogging next week....some lessons learned, some good attempts and perhaps my first major fall off the wagon since I started el diet!  Monday morning should be so fun after hopping off a red eye and walking in the door to step on the scale.  I'm just hoping I'll maintain current weight and not put on any additional poundage!

Hoping to post while out there, perhaps that will keep me on track!  I do have a fabulous recipe to post, most likely tomorrow, that is my current obsession!  Until then, happy eating!


Stacey said...

Um, wine is my weakness and trust me, you don't lose weight any faster than if you traded dessert for it! I have my weigh in today and my morning scale told me that I may have lost zero. That's right zero. I kind of want to cry because I've been sacrificing all week. True, I used up almost all my extra points this past weekend on booze (long weekend) but dammit, I'm trying hard. Ok. Trying to think good thoughts and hope that my scale is just wonky. Wish me luck! And good luck to you on vacation. Are you bringing your DD with you?

LER said...

Good luck buddy - home scales I'm pulling the official weigh in will go well. Sometimes I think it takes a little time for your body to respond. I started my diet a week before the blog and stayed the same weight for 2 weeks before dropping anything. Even if it's zero keep it up!!! DD? Dunkin you mean or am I just fuzzy and not picking up on a really simple abbreviation this morning??

Stacey said...

Ha! Dear Daughter. A common blogging acronym. Like DH (Dear Husband). Now that you are blogging you need to get with the system :-) Unfortunately I don't know if you respond to my comments unless I go back to look at your blog. Sometimes bloggers email me directly after a comment and others do what you have here. Just depends. Have a blast!

susanne13 said...

If possible, bring your own snacks, cereal, etc with you OR hit up a grocery store when you first get there if possible. I know it's more effort but if I have apples, bananas, cheerios, carrots, etc in my room, I am so much happier! On my thyroids meds, I cannot drink and it's very sad but helps with the weight thing, and I am gluten free, which helps with PIZZA (and cake and cookies and smores...but it's REALLY sad). OK good luck!!!!

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