Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Readers Beware...Train Wreck of an Entry Forthcoming!

I have a list 10 million items long spanning multiple life categories and zero motivation to get anything done.  I have been sitting here starring at this dirty laptop screen ("Clean laptop screen" has been on my to do list for about 4 years now) for close to 45 minutes.  I have refreshed my email about every 30 seconds.  I have trolled a handful of my regular internet sites (although I have placed myself in a media free bubble as I have not watched the LOST series finale yet so am avoiding most mainstream news/internet sources).  I made sure I was up to date on all things Facebook.  I have made a phone call.  I chatted with my sister, who I saw less than three hours ago, online at work.  I am feeling unproductive and unmotivated on a colossal scale today and I have no idea why.  I am sitting on my back deck, inches from my kitchen, wondering if it may be time for a snack.  I think not.  More coffee perhaps?  No, that will only further disperse my already shattered focus.

I suppose this is what they call writers block, something I'm all too familiar with and probably the reason why none of my ideas make it to the conclusion.  I just got up again and fetched a piece of gum...the snack of dieting champions!  I often wonder what long term damage I'm doing to my body via the surge of chemicals (Splenda for example) in the pursuit of a smaller waistline.  I think that is a blog entry in itself.  And that is a topic much too large for today's scattered brain!

I am debating going for a swim around lunch time.  That seems like a monumental effort at the moment.  I know I will feel better after but it's been two weeks so the swim rhythm has been broken and it's always hard to restart.  Plus I'm tired (not like that is different than any other day of the week) and my back is sore from gardening so if I went I might drown.  I sort of feel like going for a bike ride, but my hands are still recovering from the battle wounds I sustained from Sunday's lawn mowing incident.  I can barely hold a brush, so I'm thinking gripping handle bars for an hour is not going to expedite the healing process.  I know the old saying goes "No pain, no gain" but quite frankly I'm happy to talk myself out of just about anything at the current moment.  I may settle on taking my dog for a walk.  But it's hot, and she's a cripple so that may just be too mean!!!  Its's her I'm thinking about, right?  It's really too bad that napping isn't a form of exercise because I could go for one of those right now.  Perhaps on a lawn chair in my backyard.  Since it's hot out I would likely sweat...that could lead to weight loss right?

Break number 45.  Wandered through kitchen looking at food items.  Settled on a Diet Coke.  That is unofficially on my "no" list simply because it's not very healthy.  However, I looked at some packing peanuts lying on the counter that arrived with a package yesterday and I wondered "What would happen if I ate one of those....would they blow up in my stomach and I'd never want to snack again??  They probably have the consistency of Pirate's Booty."  If that thought isn't proof enough that this morning is NOT the morning to be trying to kick my Diet Coke habit I don't know what is.

OK, this blog entry is going no where good.  I wonder on days like today if it's better not to write anything at all.  I made a promise to myself to write everyday, as if it were a "real" job in hopes that someday it will in fact become a real job that pays me actual money.  No one has a good day everyday at work, so I'm entitled to my occasional bad day.  I can't imagine that every word that came from Shakespeare's pen was a masterpiece.  For those of you who stuck with me to the end of this dreadful post, I am sorry.  Maybe something made you chuckle.  At the very least I hope my desire to ingest packing peanuts made you feel a little better about your own daily cravings!!

Until tomorrow...what I hope will be a more fruitful day in terms of writing and productivity...happy and healthy eating!


A. said...

Speaking of Pirate's Booty, I can eat far too much of the stuff. I buy it for the kids, of course...

When I can't think of anything interesting to write about, I just don't write. Of course, then I'm left with only 4-6 posts a month, which my friends have assured me is no way to garner a large following. However, I blog mostly to keep family up to date on our lives and pictures of the kids, so I ignore the pressure pretty well :-).

Kelly said...

I feel your pain about exercising. I signed up for a tri in early July -- much earlier than I usually do them, which means I need to get my butt in shape. The swim is what scares me the most and I have been to the pool all of once. I keep bringing my stuff to work thinking I'll go at lunchtime or mid-afternoon, but I'm just 'too busy' these days to take a break. Although I do find plenty of time to catch up with everyone on facebook and read every article written about the Lost finale. So, I feel your lack of motivation, too.

Unknown said...

I must say, and this is without the bias of being directly related to the author of this blog, that this entry is, BY FAR, one of my favorites. It is right up there with the hilarious, and more importantly, VERY REAL posting about popping like a tick when you force your body into those clothes that you still cannot wear outside the comfort of your home.

Can't we all relate to those tasks like the computer screen! I have actually been so hungry at times I have considered eating left over food bits that somehow made it onto the screen while eating, talking on the phone, emailing, and doing whatever else all at the same time.

love this post, for real. Sometimes the best stuff comes when we think least about it.

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